Kusto Detective Agency, Season 2, Onboarding

It's time for season 2 of Kusto Detective Agency, a fun way to test and hone your Kusto Query Language (KQL) skills! The first mission of season 2 (Onboarding) asks you to find the id of the detective that earned the most money in 2022, based on the data present in the DetectiveCases table. After …

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Search in all tables and columns in Kusto / Azure Data Explorer

Say you have a piece of information from the telemetry of your services. You'd like to know more about the data it references, but you don't know exactly where it fits in the schema. Maybe it's an operation id, a correlation id, a GUID, or something else. It might be the entire value of a …

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Split an array into multiple rows in Kusto/Azure Data Explorer with mv-expand

I've recently learned about a handy command in Kusto that allows to expand a row into multiple rows by splitting a column with array or property bag values: mv-expand. This is very handy if you want to summarize results or join over the values that are part of the array/property bag. Say you have something …

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Summarize by time of day in Kusto / Azure Log Analytics

In Kusto / Azure Log Analytics it's simple to summarize your query by time of day, just use the datetime_part function. You might want to do that to see if something is happening more often on certain hours. ContainerLog | where TimeGenerated > ago(7d) | summarize count() by Hour=datetime_part("Hour", TimeGenerated) | order by Hour asc …

Continue reading Summarize by time of day in Kusto / Azure Log Analytics